DeAnna Hackman, MCA parent:
Both of my children attended MCA for three years. MCA has taught my children leadership and life skills. The impact that this academy has had on our family has been incredible. It isn’t just an academy. It was more like a family. I feel the teachers genuinely cared about my children’s education and future. My children visited colleges and experienced a wide range of educational opportunities that furthered their knowledge of the "real world." I highly recommend this extraordinary program.

Lorenzo Avalos, Class of 2016:
The MCA has truly changed me as an individual. As a freshman I didn't really want to be involved in much and I was kind of on the shy side. After joining MCA I opened up more and did things truly unimaginable including, going to Hawaii. Without MCA I believe I wouldn't have been able to be the most spirited senior. I was also awarded a $500 MCA scholarship for college. MCA is more than just teachers and students- it's a family! I was truly blessed to be accepted in to the program.

Juliana Munoz, Class of 2014:
MCA has definitely helped me become more outgoing. It has given me the opportunity to be a part of another family inside of school. The MCA teachers are absolutely amazing and have helped me do well in school and inspired me to work hard for the future. Joining MCA definitely made my high school experience a memorable one.

C.J. Munoz, MCA Parent:
MCA is a family within a community. It has inspired my daughter to do well in school from the very beginning. She has always enjoyed her classes, which, as a part of the academy, are mostly planned out for her. She cannot say enough positive things of the instructors she has had or currently has. The field trips are not only educational and fun, but they bond the MCA family even closer. MCA is the motivational factor that my daughter needed to guide her through high school and prepare for college and future endeavors. We will be forever thankful.